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Experience on a new level
We live our values together and treat each other with trust and respect. The team spirit and sense of togetherness at 29FORWARD are something special and form the foundation for our long-standing customer relationships. Because it is only through the internal team structure that we can create the added value for our customers that they have come to expect from us for over 10 years.
What sets us apart
We are a dedicated team of experts
At 29FORWARD, we harness the collective power of all our global teams of experts to drive innovation and solve complex problems. We always bring the experts to the table who are required for our clients’ growth strategies – onshore, nearshore, offshore. We achieve this because we regularly network globally internally, support each other and share proven solutions and new technologies in order to fulfil our goal of end-to-end BI consulting every day.
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What sets us apart
We are a dedicated team of experts
At 29FORWARD, we harness the collective power of all our global teams of experts to drive innovation and solve complex problems. We always bring the experts to the table who are required for our clients’ growth strategies – onshore, nearshore, offshore. We achieve this because we regularly network globally internally, support each other and share proven solutions and new technologies in order to fulfil our goal of end-to-end BI consulting every day.
»At 29FORWARD I can contribute and realise my own ideas and am supported by the team.«
Consultant Analytics
»We are always on the lookout for motivated new recruits who fit in well with our company culture.«
Recruiting and Communications Specialist
»Our customers realise that we are pulling in the same direction for them and appreciate it.«
Associate Consultant
»It’s fun to familiarise yourself with new technologies and benefit from the experience of our consultants at an international level.«
Consultant Architecture & Data Warehousing
Excellent performance thanks to outstanding expertise
Eva Lotta Walendzik
Jessica Lund
Anjali Jaideep
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